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Simple future is used for describing job or action that will to do (happened) at future.
Simple future has two different forms in English : “will” and “be going to “.

Use “will” :
a. Positive (+)
S + shall/will + verb 1
 I shall write a story
 They will play badminton
 He will go to school

b. Negative (-)
S + shall/will + not + verb 1
 I shan’t buy a shirt
 He won’t clean the room
 You will not help me later

c. Interrogative (?)
Will/shall + S + verb 1
 Will you arrive on time ?
 Shall we come to your birthday party ?
 Will they want dinner ?

Use “be going to” :
a. Positive (+)
S + be + going to + verb 1
 I am going to write a story
 We are going to the room
 She is gives a present

b. Negative (-)
S + be + not + going to verb 1
 He is not going to visit his parents next week
 You are not going to meet Jane tonight
 We are not going to clean the room

c. Interrogative (?)
Be + S + going to + Verb 1 + ?
 Am I going to visit my grandma ?
 Are you going to meet Sam in the school ?
 Are you buy a book ?


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