Hi Guys...This my first blog....Thanks for Tuhan Yang Maha Esa and all yang telah membantu saya dalam make this blog...And thanks for visitor my blog, kritik dan saran sangat diharapkan...


Recount Text

mmm...Mungkin dalam hati kalian bertanya-tanya apa sih "recount text" itu ? Bingung deh jadinya, tapi daripada kalian bingung mendingan baca disini aja  supaya bisa mengurangi rasa kebingungan kalian...

Purpose :
To tell the readers what happened in the past through a sequence of events.

Text organization :
Personal recounts :
-Orientation (who were involved in the story, when and where)
-Events (tell what happened in a chronological order)
-Evalution (comments of the writer / speaker about the experience)
-Re-orientation (the conclusion of the experience)

Factual recounts :
-Orientation (who were involved in the story, when and where)
-Events (tell what happened in a chronological order)

Language features :
-The use of noun and pronouns
-The use of action verbs
-The use of past tense
-The use of time conjuctions
-The use of adverbs and adverbs of phrases
-The use of adjectives

Nah, itu adalah aturan-aturan dalam membuat recount text...

Sympathy Expression

Hei...kalian tau gak gimana caranya mengekspresikan sebuah ungkapan bahwa kita tuh simpati sama orang lain ? Kalau gak tau caranya, ayo baca disini and bagi yang sudah tau ni ya, baca juga supaya ilmunya bertambah...hahaha

Definition of sympathy expression :
Sympathy is defined as a feeling or expression of compassion for the suffering of another person. There are many means at our disposal, some traditional and some modern, that we can use to express sympathy in the days and weeks after someone we know loses a loved one.

How can we give sympathy expression to someone ?
We express it directly to him/her orally or we can use a letter or card by post also by short message service (sms), e-mail, television, radio and newspaper / she who got the trouble is far from us.

Offering condolences :
-I'm sorry
-I'm sorry to hear about your father
-Let me offer my condolences
-Let me tell you how sorry I am to hear about your grandmother
-I know how you must feel
-You must feel terrible about losing your brother like that

Responding condolences :
-Thank you
-That's very kind of you
-There's nothing that can be done about it
-It's God's will, I suppose
-God's gives and God takes away
-That's life

Nah, kalian sudah tau kan ? Itu adalah contoh-contoh cara kita mengekspresikan perasaan simpati kita kepada orang lain...

Giving Instructions

Please read this book !
Hi...Guys, it is one expression of 'giving instruction'. There are many more expressions of others, want to know? let's learn together ...

Giving Instruction is an expression that is used in order that other person does what we instruct or request.
a. Verb (+ O)
example :
-Open your book !
-Read this newspaper !
-Close the window !
-Sweep the floor !

b. Please + V (+ O)
example :
-Please sit down !
-Please don't go !
-Please close the door !
-Please cover the food !

Don't + V (+ O)
example :
-Don't close the web page !
-Don't speak with me !
-Don't be cruel !
-Don't touch me !

3.Kinds of giving insruction
Be + Adjective
example :
-Be yourself !
-Be happy !
-Be strong !
-Be a good student !
Note: the tense used in giving instruction is "simple present".

Now, you have them know how 'giving instruction' is correct ? Lets learn the others material...hahaha

Happiness Expression

Era : What do you accept from your birthday, La ?
Ella : Fantastic, I get a new shoe from my mother...It's very good.
Era : Oh, I'm happy too hear it.
Ella : Thanks, Era.
Era : You are welcome.
Do you know the expression that is used in the dialogue? Yes you are right, it is an example of dialogue from 'happiness expression'. But if it just wrote not enough, let's learn more....

Definition of happiness expression :
Happiness expression is an expression that is used  to show  that someone or people are glad have excited feelings.

What is happiness ?
-It is important to first understand that the term "happiness" refers to the emotion, mood, and state of happiness, however researchers generally study the more enduring "state".
-Expression happiness is used to expression happiness feelings when we are succesful to do something.

What would you say to express your happiness ?
-I'm happy because...
-I like...
-I love...
-Great !
-Super !
-Exciting !
-Terrific !
-Smashing !
-I can't how pleased I am
-You make me happy
-I'm pleased with...etc

We can happiness expression of by :


hi...guys, yesterday I made an 'appointment' for going to the beach tomorrow with my friend. but, do you know about 'appointment' ? let's read here so let me know...

Definition of appointment :
Appointment tells about agreement for meeting. It is good to make an appointment before you meet someone or people. 

What is appointment ?
Appointment (making, accepting, cancelling and changing) is words to explain readiness and capability to do or to do something, for example is give, help, come to meet.

Making an appointment :
-I'd like to make an appointment with my friend
-I want to make an appointment to see Mr.Adam
-I'd like you to come and see me
-Let's do something to help the flood victims
-Can I come and see you ?
-What about...
-Will you go out with me tonight

Accepting an appointment :
-No problem. I'm free on sunday
-All right. see you there
-It's a deal
-I'll be there
-Be there on time
-I'll wait for you there

Declining an appointment :
-Sorry, I can't
-I'd love to, but I can't
-I really want to, but I can't
-I'm sorry, I have another appointment

Cancelling an appointment :
-I'm sorry I can't meet you today. I'm very busy. Can we meet another day ?
-I'm terribly sorry I have to cancel our appointment
-I'm afraid I have to postpone my appointment with you

Responding :
-O.K. / Fine
-No problem ! / No big deal !
-It's all right
-I see / I understand