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Present Tense

Hi...guys, kalian tau gak apa itu Present Tense ? Kalau belum tau, ayo cari tau disini supaya wawasan kalian bertambah...hahaha

Simple present tense is used to express habits, general truths, repeated actions or unchanging situation, emotions and wishes. To give instruction or directions. To express fixed arrangement, present or future.

Present Tense divided become 2, these are :
1. Verbal Sentences
The pattern :
Affirmative form : Subject +  V1 (-s/-es) +  Object
-She plays badminton every week

Negative form : Subject + don't / doesn't + V1
-She doesn't play badminton every week

Interrogative form : Do / Does + Subject + Object
-Does she play badminton every week ?

2.Non Verbal Sentences
The pattern :
Affirmative form : Subject + to be (am / is / are) + Noun / Adverb /Adjective
-He is handsome

Negative form : Subject + to be + not +Noun / Adverb / Adjective
-He is not handsome

Interrogative form : To Be + Subject + Noun / Adverb / Adjective
-Is he handsome ?

Notes :
Verbs ending in -y : the third person changes the -y to -ies : fly = flies, cry = cries.
Exception : if there is a vowel before the -y : play = plays, pray = prays.
Add -es to verbs ending in : -ss, -x, -sh, -ch : he passes, she catches, he fixes, it pushes.
Adverbs used :
Generally          Seldom          Sometimes          Often          Never
Usually             Everyday        Every morning     Ever           Every week

Nah, itu dia penjelasan tentang Present Tense...semoga kalian ngerti ya...


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