Hi Guys...This my first blog....Thanks for Tuhan Yang Maha Esa and all yang telah membantu saya dalam make this blog...And thanks for visitor my blog, kritik dan saran sangat diharapkan...


Past Tense

Aduh aku gak ngerti ni tentang past tense...aku mau belajar dulu ah, supaya aku ngerti...

It is a tense that is used to express or describe and action or evend that happenand finished in certain time in the past.

Nominal sentences :
Subject  + to be (were / was)
-They were happy last week
-I was here last night

Subject + to be + not
-We were not busy when our teacher came
-She was not here last week

Verbal sentences :
Subject + VII
-She went to Bali yesterday

Subject + did + not
-You did not (didn't) kick my cat yesterday

Time signal :

Gak kerasa sudah selesai ni belajar tentang past tensenya...istirahat dulu ah, after that lanjut belajar materi lain lagi...


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