Hi Guys...This my first blog....Thanks for Tuhan Yang Maha Esa and all yang telah membantu saya dalam make this blog...And thanks for visitor my blog, kritik dan saran sangat diharapkan...



Sekarang ayo kita pelajari tentang advertisement...

Advertisement is information for persuading and motivate a people so that it will attracted to service and things that are offered.

Function of advertisement are :

In making anadvertisement, keep this following points :
Languages of advertisement :
-Using the correct or suitable word
-Using the interesting expression and suggestion
-Using positive connotations
-Text of advertisement should directly to the goals

Advertisement content :
-Objective and honest
-Brief and clear
-Don't to allude group and to other producer
-Attractive attention

Kinds of advertisement :
-Family advertisement
-Invitatation advertisement
-Sponsored advertisement
-Advertisement that praises goods which is advertised
-Requested advertisement
-News advertisement
-Announcement advertisement
-Article advertisement


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